Can I Keep Saving for Retirement If I File for Bankruptcy in Raleigh NC?

Can I Keep Saving for Retirement If I File for Bankruptcy in Raleigh NC?

Filing bankruptcy can provide meaningful financial relief when you’re facing burdensome, unpayable debt. But it also requires disclosing your assets to the courts – which makes some filers worry about legal impacts if they continue saving for retirement. The good news is that under most circumstances, you can and should continue contributing towards retirement during…

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How Filing for Bankruptcy in Raleigh Affects Your Children

When you’re a parent considering filing for bankruptcy in Raleigh, the welfare of your children probably weighs heavier than your financial situation. This is a legitimate concern, and the short answer is: You can still secure the future of your children even after filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Children and Declaring Bankruptcy To…

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