I just received a letter and it says that my house is set for foreclosure in less than 2 months. Is it too late to do something to save my home?


    No, it’s not too late.

    A Chapter 13 can stop a foreclosure up until the date that the auction on the house takes place. Chapter 13 is a very powerful law.  Once the case is filed, we immediately notify the mortgage company and all foreclosure action must stop.  Of course, you should come into the office as soon as possible.

    Many times, we can consolidate your mortgage arrearage and you pay it back over a three year period.  For example, a $7,000 arrearage can often be paid at only $195 per month.  You can then start making the regular monthly mortgage payments and pay only $195 per month on the arrearage.

    Use our online contact form, or call us at 919-845-7877 for more information, or for a FREE consultation